Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Alternative Sentencing - An Important Issue That Can Also Help the Tories

As a staunch Tory supporter and former member of my Canadian Alliance riding board I am greatly supportive of most of the Conservative Party's policies. There is one noted exception shared by many others. This concerns mandatory minimum sentences.

There are cases which deserve special consideration and have special circumstances and qualified judges who handle the individual cases and who actually have the opportunity to meet the accused are in the best position to decide on appropriate sentencing. Studies also show the effectiveness of alternative sentencing (far more effective and fiscally responsible than the broken Judicial System currently in place) and the Conservative Party of Canada can garner much support and establish its credentials with the public as a policy leader by advocating for the expansion of same.

Although I have no personal stake in this issue, as someone - like everyone - who wants to see the betterment of society, I believe this issue to be of primary importance. Focusing on alternative sentencing will add a breath of fresh air to the campaign and greatly enhance the Conservative Party's image, going a long way to dispel the smears and malicious depictions that its opponents have partly relied upon until now.

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